One Month into My Junior Software Developer Role
October 27, 2022
(6 minute read)

I know it has been a few weeks since I last posted a blog on here, so I wanted to give you guys a great blog to come back on. This week I wanted to talk about my first month into my new role as a Junior Software Developer and my experiences so far.
The first week on this role was very hectic, getting a lot of paperwork done, a lot of meetings to link up with my new team and so on. During this time I was able to obtain my first computer and start learning the language and software I will be working on. This was really exciting to me, because as a developer I was expected to be learning JavaScript in depth or Java, but I was actually learning a coding language called VB Script. This is a coding language to help build robots. Now don't go crazy and think I am actually working on real robots, what I actually do is RPA (Robotic Process Automation).
To sum up RPA, Robotic Process Automation is creating software bots using a software called UiPath to help companies with tedious tasks that they don't want to do or pay someone for. This can be anything from financial documents, to balance sheets, to an automation that can speed up the process of a communication call between a customer and a help desk individual. This job is really cool and definitely needed for big companies.
Now the first month has not been a breeze. I have been studying this software 9 hours per day, just to try and understand it or get a grasp on it. But let me tell you specifically what I have done so far in my first month. I have been able to change code and run it through Git (source control) and push it to GitLab (stores branches of code for others to pull from thats inside your own project). Also, I have debugged a few bots before they launched and were able to write in detail to the senior developers, what was wrong with the code. Lastly, I have started to make my first bot, with the help of another Junior Developer on my team.
I honestly am very happy with what I have done in this first month at my role as a Junior Software Developer. Can't wait to carry on my experience throughout this channel. Please know that I am a self taught developer that worked hard, pushed through challenges, long sleepless nights, and constant grinding. If you want this, its all about staying consistent and keep pushing your boundaries.
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